Trainings for GG staff
Last May, Alberto Garcia and Juan Fernando Martín from Gate Gourmet began training all the company's personnel at the Madrid facilities to improve waste management. Before the training, an internal study of the waste streams [...]
Master’s Final Project, replication of ZCW
Last Tuesday, June 12, Sandra Fernandez, student of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, presented her Master's Thesis: "Improvement in the management of waste produced in the cabin of [...]
New flights with separation of waste on board
From today, and in the coming weeks, those passengers traveling on some Iberia flights will be able to see how waste separation is carried out on board with a new compartmented trolley prototype. These are [...]
Meeting of the Steering Committee of Life ZCW
On May 25, a new follow-up meeting of the Life ZCW Project took place at Iberia headquarters in Madrid. The meeting was attended by representatives of all the partners involved in the project: Iberia, Ecoembes, [...]
Follow up studies OFF LOAD in GATE GOURMET
Gate Gourmet continues its OFF LOAD ANALYSIS (OLA) studies by periodically counting the different products loaded on the different flights that have not been consumed. At first, only food counts were carried out, but in [...]
Presentation of the LIFE ZCW at GREEN DRINKS
Every first Thursday of the month the Enviro portal, the Environmental Sciences Association, the Higher Institute for the Environment and the Radio Ecogestiona Program, organize the Green Drinks event in which different projects related to [...]
Visit AIMPLAS to meet Life Recypack and Life Ecomethylal
Last Monday, April 23rd, Marina Garcia of Iberia and Nieves Sanz of Ecoembes visited AIMPLAS, the Plastic Technology Institute located in Valencia, where two LIFE Projects are being developed, both of them related to [...]
Publication in the Futurenviro magazine
In the edition nº 48 of March 2018 of the Futurenviro magazine, specialized in environment, this article has been published; Life Zero Cabin Waste - sustainable management of airline catering waste, written by the [...]
Incorporation of Patricia Zamora
Patricia Zamora is the latest incorporation to GateGourmet for the Compliance Department. Patricia, in addition to the tasks related to Environment within the catering, will also be very involved in the activities carried out within [...]
Iberia crew trainings keep going
Since last March, Iberia is training its cabin crew of new entry. Within this training, an environmental module has been include in which the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project is presented as well as its [...]
Results of the third test of separation of waste on board
As advanced, it has been carried out the third test of separation of waste on board. Initially, the test was planned for 10 Iberia’s flights but, due to flight cancellations, it was only possible to [...]
ZCW on the website “More food, less waste” of the Ministry
As presented on the website, the “Strategy More food, less waste” is an initiative of the previous Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain (MAPA), presented in 2013 to limit the losses and [...]