Zero Cabin Waste Project2017-03-01T10:28:23+00:00


Master’s Final Project, replication of ZCW

By |18 de June, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Last Tuesday, June 12, Sandra Fernandez, student of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, presented her Master's Thesis: "Improvement in the management of waste produced in the cabin of [...]

Presentation of the LIFE ZCW at GREEN DRINKS

By |11 de May, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Every first Thursday of the month the Enviro portal, the Environmental Sciences Association, the Higher Institute for the Environment and the Radio Ecogestiona Program, organize the Green Drinks event in which different projects related to [...]

Visit AIMPLAS to meet Life Recypack and Life Ecomethylal

By |8 de May, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Last Monday, April 23rd, Marina Garcia of Iberia and Nieves Sanz of Ecoembes visited AIMPLAS, the Plastic Technology Institute located in Valencia, where two LIFE Projects are being developed, both of them related to [...]

Results of the third test of separation of waste on board

By |16 de April, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

As advanced, it has been carried out the third test of separation of waste on board. Initially, the test was planned for 10 Iberia’s flights but, due to flight cancellations, it was only possible to [...]

ZCW on the website “More food, less waste” of the Ministry

By |10 de April, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

As presented on the website, the “Strategy More food, less waste” is an initiative of the previous Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of Spain (MAPA), presented in 2013 to limit the losses and [...]

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