Zero Cabin Waste Project2017-03-01T10:28:23+00:00


Collaboration between CERES and Zero Cabin Waste

By |5 de December, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

During the last meeting of the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste Consortium held on November 21 in Barcelona, we had the opportunity to learn about the CERES project thanks to the presentation of Elodie Lemaire, one [...]

Meeting of the Life ZCW Management Consortium

By |4 de December, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On November 21, a new follow-up meeting of Life ZCW project took place at the Escuela Superior de Comercio International at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (ESCI-UPF) in Barcelona. The meeting was attended by representatives of [...]

Start of selective collection on Iberia’s national and European flights

By |21 de November, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On October 9, the waste selective collection began on Iberia's short and medium-haul flights, through the implementation of the separation and collection protocol of Zero Cabin Waste.Iberia’s crew carries out the separation of waste thanks [...]

Results of the 1st separation test on board on international flights

By |15 de November, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

During the month of October, a series of on-board waste separation tests were carried out on international non-EU flights. The separation protocol consists of a series of good practices for the correct use of [...]

November 22th. Conference “Comprehensive strategies for the reduction of food waste”

By |8 de November, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

How we announced a few weeks ago, on the occasion of the European Week of Waste Reduction 2018, we organize the seminar "Comprehensive strategies for the reduction of food waste", which will be finally [...]

Review to LIFE ZCW within the report SDG, YEAR 3

By |23 de October, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

The report SDG, YEAR 3. A global alliance for the 2030 Agenda, published by the Spanish Network of the Global Compact, for the 3rd anniversary of the approval of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development [...]

First international flights with selective collection

By |19 de October, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Over the course of October, the first tests of separation of waste on international non-EU flights, flights with origin or destination outside of Europe, have begun.These are the seven scheduled flights with separation of waste: [...]

LIFE ZCW at the European Night of the Researchers

By |9 de October, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On September 28 we participated in El Matí de recerca a escoles i instituts (The Morning of Research in Schools and Institutes), holding two workshops at the IES La Bastida in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, [...]

Training in GG for the implementation of the compartmented waste trolley

By |5 de October, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Due to the imminent implementation of the separation of waste on board at Iberia's national and European flights, several trainings are being carried out for the workers involved in waste management in the Gate Gourmet [...]

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