Zero Cabin Waste Project2017-03-01T10:28:23+00:00


Presentation of the Zero Cabin Waste Project in the MAPAMA

By |6 de November, 2017|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On October 31 we had the opportunity to explain the Zero Cabin Waste Project to Ana Fernández Martin and Antonio Gonzalo Sáenz Feijoo, technicians of the General Subdirectorate of Animal Health and Hygiene and Traceability, [...]

ESCI presents Zero Cabin Waste project the IV Symposium of the Spanish Network of life cycle

By |29 de October, 2017|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Dr. Alba Bala presented the European project LIFE + Zero Cabin Waste (ZCW) on aircraft cabin waste management in the symposium "Waste management: towards a circular economy", which took place on October 27 at [...]

Presentation at the Sardinia Symposium 2017

By |26 de October, 2017|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

From the 2nd to the 6th of October, the 16th International Symposium on Waste Management and Landfill took place in Santa Margherita de Pula, Sardinia, Italy.The Symposium, organized by IWWG (International Waste Working Group) with [...]

Meeting of the Life platform on plastic recycling

By |18 de October, 2017|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On September 21 and 22, the meeting of the LIFE Platform on Plastic Waste Recycling was held, organized by the Technical University of Athens. Throughout this forum of exchange between different European LIFE experiences, different [...]

ZCW in Sardinia_2017, the 16th International Symposium on Waste Management and Landfills

By |27 de September, 2017|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

Pere Fullana, director of the UNESCO Chair in Cycle of Life and Climate Change ESCI-UPF and Gonzalo Blanca, researcher of the Chair, will attend next month Sardinia_2017, the 16th International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium [...]

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