Visit of the GG staff to the Ferrovial plant
On March 26, a visit was made to the Ferrovial sorting plant by several members of the Washing Train, Compliance and Direction Departments of Gate Gourmet. The objective was that the staff of the [...]
Networking with LIFE EPS Sure
On March 21 a meeting took place at the Total Petrochemicals Iberica offices in Barcelona between Pere Fullana, Alba Bala and Aídem Civancik of ESCI-UPF, presenting the Life + Zero Cabin Waste project, and [...]
Workshop with Iberia crew
During March 8th to 9th, the Zero Cabin Waste team, together with Airbus and Iacobucci, developed a workshop where the new waste-trolley design that Airbus and Iacobucc have developed together was presented. This trolley [...]
Visit to the Ferrovial facilities with the students of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management of the UPM
On March 8, the students of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid had the opportunity to visit the Ferrovial facilities in Fuenlabrada where the Gate Gourmet waste arrives, [...]
End of the restructuring-works in GateGourmet
The work of restructuring the area of compactors of GG has been completed, allowing a much more efficient separation of waste generated in flights and catering. The completion of the work has suffered a slight [...]
Third test of separation of waste on board
Next week, the third on-board waste separation test begins with a new prototype of two-compartment trolley. Each flight will carry two trolleys of this type, one for the economy class and another for business. [...]
Presentation Life + ZCW in the Master of Sustainable Management of waste of the UPM
On February 28, Alberto Caldeiro, Manager of the Ecoembes Recycling and Collection Department, presented the Life+ Zero Cabin Waste Project in the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which [...]
Meeting of the Steering Committee of Life + ZCW
On February 23rd, a new follow-up meeting of the Life + ZCW Project took place at the Gate Gourmet facilities in La Muñoza, Madrid. The meeting was attended, in person or by video call, by [...]
Gate Gourmet staff training
On February 7th, the first training of trainers framed within the B1 action of the Life + Zero Cabin Waste project was carried out in Gate Gourmet facilities. It was attended by those responsible for [...]
Adjustment of Gate Gourmet facilities
Since January, a series of works are being carried out in the area of compactors of Gate Gourmet facilities with the purpose of improving the segregation capacity of the waste generated.Before the beginning of the [...]
Presentation of the preliminary results of the LCA of the current waste management
On Wednesday, February 7, Gonzalo Blanca and Alba Bala from ESCI-UPF presented to the rest of the partners, through videoconference, the preliminary results of the LCA of the current waste management system. In the [...]
Presentation of LIFE+ ZCW IN AECOSAN
On February 1st, we had the opportunity to explain the Life + Zero Cabin Waste Project to four representatives of AECOSAN (Spanish Agency of Consumption, Food Safety and Nutrition) belonging to the Ministry of [...]