Zero Cabin Waste Project2017-03-01T10:28:23+00:00


Visit to the Ferrovial facilities with the students of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management of the UPM

By |16 de March, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On March 8, the students of the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid had the opportunity to visit the Ferrovial facilities in Fuenlabrada where the Gate Gourmet waste arrives, [...]

End of the restructuring-works in GateGourmet

By |14 de March, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

The work of restructuring the area of ​​compactors of GG has been completed, allowing a much more efficient separation of waste generated in flights and catering. The completion of the work has suffered a slight [...]

Presentation Life + ZCW in the Master of Sustainable Management of waste of the UPM

By |2 de March, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On February 28, Alberto Caldeiro, Manager of the Ecoembes Recycling and Collection Department, presented the Life+ Zero Cabin Waste Project in the Master in Sustainable Waste Management at the Polytechnic University of Madrid, which [...]

Presentation of the preliminary results of the LCA of the current waste management

By |13 de February, 2018|Categories: Zero Cabin Waste Project|

On Wednesday, February 7, Gonzalo Blanca and Alba Bala from ESCI-UPF presented to the rest of the partners, through videoconference, the preliminary results of the LCA of the current waste management system. In the [...]

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