The partners of the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste Project consortium use social networks like LinkedIn and Twitter to make the actions and advances of the project more visible.
The publications with the most impact usually contains audiovisual material of the project, as well as news about meetings or events of special relevance such as the Conference “Comprehensive Strategies for Food Waste Reduction”, held in November in Barcelona.
In 2018 there have been a total of 92 publications in social networks (77 on Twitter and 15 on LinkedIn). These publications have had 42 comments (18 via Twitter and 15 on LinkedIn), 216 retweets and 1,150 likes or recommendations (556 via Twitter and 594 on LinkedIn).
The hashtag or label used to present all the contents related to the project is #ZeroCabinWaste. This makes easier to locate and exchange information or content among different users, on certain actions or events.