On September 28 we participated in El Matí de recerca a escoles i instituts (The Morning of Research in Schools and Institutes), holding two workshops at the IES La Bastida in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona.
This initiative is organized to bring scientists closer to educational centers and is part of the celebration of the European Research Nit (European Night of Researchers), held on September 28 and 29 in about 300 cities in Europe.

Gonzalo Blanca of ESCI-UPF, was in charge of teaching the workshop, under the title “More sustainable flights: 0 waste”, to a total of 91 children of 1st of the E.S.O. First, he explained to them what the greenhouse effect and climate change are, to link it with the generation of waste in flights, and the impact that this represents due to their current management. Finally, he explained what proposals related to the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste are considered in the Zero Cabin Waste Project.
Throughout the session, the students participated by answering the questions that were posed and in the end they could expose their doubts regarding the recycling of waste and the effects of climate change.
It was great experience in which we had the opportunity to bring the world of research to the young students.