Every first Thursday of the month the Enviro portal, the Environmental Sciences Association, the Higher Institute for the Environment and the Radio Ecogestiona Program, organize the Green Drinks event in which different projects related to sustainable development are explained to help connect people involved or interested in this topic.
At the Green Drinks held last Thursday, May 3, we had the pleasure of presenting the Life Zero Cabin Waste project in a relaxed environment in La Chimenea coffee shop in Madrid, in the presence of 30 attendees.

Marina Garcia of Iberia and Ruben Perales of Ferrovial led the meeting. In the first place, they proposed a dynamic in which two wooden boxes simulated the two compartments of a cabin waste trolley. Attendees had to decide where to place the waste written on small papers, distinguishing between Recyclable (packaging and paper-cardboard) and Non-recyclable (organic matter and rest), both for waste of Cat.1 and Cat.3. In this way, they were introduced to two key aspects of the project; the different types of catering waste generated and the separation on board, to later explain in more detail the whole project.
At the end of the presentation attendees, of very different profiles as students and workers of waste management companies or airlines, could raise questions and make contributions. It turned out to be a really enriching day!