The pilot test of the new separation protocol for Cat. 3 waste at Iberia flights begins today, July 10th. The testing will run during this week in 8 Iberia flights, 4 arrives and 4 returns:
The trolley to be used for this trial test will be a cart divided into three compartments: recyclable waste, non-recyclable waste and paper-cardboard.

The purpose of the development of these trial tests will be on one hand, to verify that the crew is implementing the protocol in a correct way, being able to detect possible errors in the initial stage of application of the procedure, in order to analyze them and to be able to find possible solutions.
On the other hand, after the development of these tests, we will interview the cabin crew to examine with them the drawbacks detected in the application of the protocol (type of car, collection guidelines …) and between all the parties involved, find possible improvements.