Next Thursday, May 16th, will take place the conference The Sustainable Cabin Forum 2019. The challenge of Single-use Plastic and Catering Waste in Lisbon (Portugal) and part of the Zero Cabin Waste team will have the opportunity to attend and participate in two of the Panel Disussions.
This conference, organized by Hi Fly and the Mirpuri Foundation, in association with IATA and under the patronage of the European Commission, represents a novelty in the aviation sector, bringing together airlines, airports, catering companies, manufacturers, regulators and the European Commission.
There will be the following Panel Discussions:
Joaquin Mateo from Gate Gourmet will participate in Panel Discussion 2 presenting the LIFE Zero Cabin Waste project as an example of an initiative that presents an alternative waste management to maximize the reduction and recycling of waste and avoid landfill.
Gonzalo Blanca from ESCI-UPF will participate in Panel Discussion 3, explaining the results of the comparative LCA study of the use of different materials for cutlery (reusable, single-use plastic or single-use bamboo).